15 April 2008

GRE Preparation

GRE (Graduate Record Examination) is an admission test for many graduate shcools principally in the United States. It is created and conducted by the Educational Testing Service (ETS).

It is typically a computer-based exam that is administered by select qualified testing centers; however, paper-based exams are offered in areas of the world that lack the technological requirements. It is a objective type test having multiple choice questions. The test focuses on the skill set in math, vocabulary and analytical writing.

Here, I will share some useful preparation material and question papers that will help in getting through the test easily. Also, if you need any information regarding a particular topic please post them in the comments section and i will try to post them.

Below are a few links which contains more information.

Visual GRE - prepare for GRE Verbal in a light-hearted, funny and relaxed manner.
GRE Process - Contains information about application process, university selection, visa documentation etc.,


nehajain said...

nice blog..thank you for sharing this information with us..its very helpful to me for preparing GRE..

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